Welcome to the first newsletter of 2024 in which we highlight some interesting areas for anyone working in the security industry who needs to be kept informed about the latest developments in the field of mobile security towers.
As always, please feel free to contact us or request a no-obligation quote via the website.
Henk de Haan CEO TelescopicMast
Solar farm security: a comprehensive guide to protecting your client's investment
Solar farms, in response to growing demands for sustainable energy, have become both popular and profitable. Alongside their rising popularity, there is an increased need to secure these sites from theft and criminal damage. This article aims to identify these potential hazards and propose solutions to ensure the protection of these crucial renewable energy sources on your clients’ sites.
Security installers and integrators, download this whitepaper
If you are a security installer or integrator there are many benefits of adding TelescopicMasts solutions to your portfolios of services. This three-page Solution overview highlights the features and benefits of the TelescopciMast range for anyone installing rapid deployment CCTV systems.
We are excited to announce that TelescopicMast moved to a new office! With our growing number of employees and expanding business, we have decided it is time for a bigger space to support our partners and customers even more effectively.
From January 1st, 2024, our new address is:
Ruwekampweg 2D
5222 AT 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
TelescopicMast, Ruwekampweg 2D, 5222 AT 's-Hertogenbosch, NB, The Netherlands, +31 634 185 799